Thought I’ld never say it, but I wish the week was longer.
Don’t get me wrong, it was soooo long it felt like 5 in 1, but it was awesome.
Thanksgiving week happened and so my school gave us off Wed-Fri with no classes.
First thing that happened was in class still.
It was Monday in the second half of the now 6 hour Motion class and a bunch of us were in the “meeting” room to talk to Dorian who was absent for some out our meetings. (Our’s wasn’t great. They like the feel of some of it, hate others, want more of this, less of that - we’re scrapping it and starting over.)
Anyway we talked to Dorian and we asked when the 2nd pass of this was due. He left to find out and came back latter saying, “The Monday after Turkey Day.”
No one was happy and we were all confused. The 26th? He left and came back. Yep the 26th.
Everyone was going home. No one could work on the files with their laptops anymore. People were freaking out. So I wrote an email.
Ed (the department head) was meeting with seniors all day and not seeing us so I sent him an email on behalf of everyone (though no one knew it). I calmly outlined how we felt, reminded him that the project was given an extra week for Thanksgiving in the first place, gave an alternative solution, and reiterated everyone’s feelings. All very politely and respectfully for my Dad would kill me otherwise (and so would Ed).
20 minutes later everyone got an email saying that the due date was moved to the day I suggested. Oh I felt good that day.
Right, so homework moved making my weekend free. Time to go home.
And let me say it was an adventure getting there.
A car on fire, going to the wrong address, GPS doesn’t work, get lost, arrive 1hour and a half late... all to find my flight was pushed back from 9 to 10:30. :P
And the week kept going.
Up at 8:30, breakfast out, trip to the DMV for a new license, catching up with youngest sister, packing, packing sisters, driving, shopping, hellos, dinner, movie, asleep by 1am.
Up at 7:30, dress, light breakfast, drive to other grandparent’s house, hellos, watch parade, help set up, watch dog show, say hello to those who are late, sit down for dinner at 2, get up at 4, nap, dessert, leave to go back to grandma’s house at 6, movie, soup, goodbye to mom and dad, movie, sleep by 12.
Wake at 7:30, breakfast, goodbyes, drive home, breath, go to Wawa, Books-a-Million, find Becca, meet up with Lauren, watch Rise of the Guardians, go home, breath, clean room for new carpet, order chinese, watch TV with family, bed by 1.
Sleep in to 8:30, breakfast, dress, clean for party, help with cooking, watch home videos, greet people, eat, watch videos, greet brother’s girlfriend, say goodbye, relax with parents, play with others, pack, bed by 1.
Up at 5, dress, pick up food, go through security, sleep on plane, go to wrong hotel, find the right one, drive to Sarasota, shop at Michael’s, pick of supplies for dinner, call home, breath, clean Quads, work on Fine Arts, clean, cook dinner, make cookies, have dinner, clean up, drop off leftovers at labs, breath, bed by 12:30.
A long week for one that was off. But really I wish it wouldn’t have ended. Now I have to find a way to do 3 finals all due the same day with only a week to do them. Yippee for me.