Monday, March 4, 2013

Midterms and a Break

So, things happened in this gap period.

First off it was midterms and anyone who has been in college, this isn’t the same. Normal colleges give you tests that you spend hours studying. Art colleges give you large projects so on top of the 27 hours of class time a week, you’re also expected to put at least 35-40 hours into all the projects.

In short, you get basically no sleep.

So, yeah. That’s what I was doing.

Anyway, it is now spring break and I’m back at home. My brother is also on break and in New Jersey, but brought with him a couple of friends and are mainly going to be at the beach and New York.

Me, I’m planning on relaxing. I’ve already been to Philly to visit my Grandfather. He was in the hospital for a hip replacement, but was having problems so had to stay longer. Thankfully he’s home now so its all good. 

That night my sister Amanda, cousin Tori, and my Grandmother went out to the theater with tickets my Uncle gave us. The plat was “Priscilla: Queen of the Desert” and was about drag queens. Very funny, and had a lot of sexual references. My sister and I had a blast, Grandma... not so much. I think it would have been better if she was with Grandpa alone.

Other plans include watching TV, going to Books-a-Million, and maybe helping my dad out at the high school with the spring play.

Really, I wouldn’t expect an update until sometime when I’m back at school. I’m on vacation!