Sorry for the late update. The week was really busy.
Not with classes. No, those are going normal.
The real thing that kept me going crazy thins week was all the clubs I’m in and extra things that had to get done.
This year I’m in 4 clubs, that’s 2 more than last year, and it seemed that this week they all had something crazy going on.
Ministry of Magic had a fundraiser on Wednesday selling butterbeer and t-shirts. That lasted from 11-3 but thankfully it wasn’t that hot of a day.
After that I went to see my counselor to keep her in the loop about graduate school. I brought the binder I had made with all the school information organized as well as the notebook with the summarized notes. She was very impressed with the amount of research I have done, my organization, and my timeline for the next year concerning application. I will be more or less applying to all the schools I find.
By the time that was all done I had 3 hours of down time before going over to the Goldstein Kitchens and helping the AIGA club bake cupcakes for the fundraiser sale that was happening the next day. It lasted another few hours and by the time we were done we had 168 cupcakes and I had very sore feet.
Moving on to Saturday I had a very early morning. The acapella group was doing our first community event by signing the Star Spangled Banner at the beginning of a heart and stroke foundation walk. We had been told that we would be singing at 7:15 so we wanted to meet as a group to drive over together at 6:30 meaning I was up around 5:45am. Normally I’m up early for a college kid - 8:30 - but this was insane.
We got to the location and found out that they changed all the times and we weren’t needed until 8:30 so we decided that we would go down the street to the farmer’s market to get some food. Somehow our conductor started talking with this old man who found out we were a singing group. He asked us to perform at his little restaurant for his wife and that he could get us some good community exposure. In the end we promised to stop by if we had people after the other event.
The Star Spangled Banner went well but our numbers got cut in half as 3 out of 6 cars left to go back to school due to work deadlines and the already hour delay. Nearly half the people left were new-bees and we didn’t know any of the arrangements. In then end we had 15 minutes to learn the some Some Nights before we headed back to meet the old man.
We did surprise his wife a lot as we just walked through the door singing. Only one table had people but she was so happy that it didn’t matter. We latter learned that it was the couple’s anniversary.
Saturday night also has anime club and so my day lasted until 1 am - ending up o be about 20 hours. The good thing was that we had 7 new-bees there that stayed the whole time! Things are looking up for this club.
Finally I got to Sunday. A meeting with my partner for some light Design homework, acapella practice - we started learning a Harry Potter song - then supporting the Mixer club and my friends in it by buying some fried rice at their Maid Cafe fundraiser.
I hen had to get dinner ready. This week we had baked chicken parmesan, penne pasta with sauce and some french bread. For dessert I made a cookie that was a peanut butter dough with smashed pretzel combined with a chocolate chocolate chunk and caramel dough baked together. There was nothing left.
So yeah, the clubs are killer sometimes but really, I’ld be so bored without them.